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Reasons to Buy Playground Wood Chips

Reasons to Buy Playground Wood Chips 

Playground wood chips are normally used as a covering material on the playground to protect children from getting injured. These wood chips or playground wood mulch is used for this purpose because they help in absorbing the shock due to the moisture present in them. Normally all the playground mulch options look alike but the level of protection provided by them can be different. Engineered wood chips are considered as the best and certified playground wood chips because of its higher shock absorption capability and other features that make it safer than other options. 

While buying playground wood chips you should first of all use the playground mulch calculator to know how much material you may need to buy. It will help in knowing the playground wood chips cost you will have to bear. After evaluating your requirement you should search for a supplier of “playground wood chips near me” but if you fail to find any nearby supplier then you should search around in your city or nearby areas as well as online sources to find a suitable one. Playground wood chips at home depot and Lowes are among some of the reputed stores that deal in such products.

While selecting one of these online stores you should compare their playground wood chips price and the terms of playground wood chips delivery at your doorstep. You should also focus of the safety features of the playground wood chips before placing your order with any of the online stores you have shortlisted. Though the playground wood chips look like the wood chips used for landscaping but they differ in their designs. The wood chips made for playground are derived by grinding hardwood with higher consistency of fiber. The size if these chips are normally kept 2 inches or more in length and all the hazardous materials, twigs and leaves that can be harmful for children are removed from them before spreading on playground for their safety. 

Before spreading the playground wood chips delivered by online suppliers you should get the surface materials of your playground tested by the U.S. Consumer Product Safety Commission to know the amount of cushioning they provide. It will also help in applying your playground wood chips properly to make it safer for the kids. In fact it should not be less than 9 inches to make the surface of the playground safer for absorbing the shocks. It can help in preventing injury. Moreover to compensate the destruction of this layer of wood chips due to weather and use it is also recommended to make it 12 inch deep so that you do not need to add cushioning on the playground as frequently. 

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